Catz Charity Foundation

As Catz employees we frequently visit the tropical regions in which our products grow. Every time we do so, we are amazed and impressed by the richness of the scenery and nature, the fantastic colours and smells and the uninhibited hospitality of the people. But there is another side to the coin: we also see poverty and squalor; we see the effects of natural disasters and we see people living at constant risk of another catastrophe. We cannot close our eyes to this. Indeed, we feel committed to helping, which is why we decided to set up the Catz Charity Foundation (CCF).
The idea of the CCF was a direct response to the devastating tsunami which struck South-east Asia on 26 December 2004. As you will recall, countless people were killed, towns and villages destroyed, entire communities torn apart. Everyone at Catz felt a great desire to help. The company immediately made funds available to support two projects in India and Sri Lanka through our local contacts.
Can we rely on your help?
With your support we can work on improving the lives of the people in the countries in which we do business. Together we can make a contribution, albeit a modest one, towards a better world. We thank you on behalf of the Catz Charity Foundation and all those who will benefit from the work of the Foundation.